Online Therapy

I offer online therapy to people with busy lives and fast-paced jobs or who live in rural areas or abroad. Since the pandemic, online therapy has been a fast-growing prcatice and people have been able to attend their therapy sessions from the comfort of their own home or workplace.

While there are both advantages and disadvantages of both online and in-person therapy, there is a growing body of research demonstrating that online therapy [1][2], computer-based CBT [3][4] and remote EMDR [5] are just as effective as in-person therapy.

online therapie izabel lang

Further pros for online therapy are that it is

  • accessible for people with physical limitations or health conditions
  • convenient and affordable
  • easier to commit to and attend remote sessions, as there is a lot of flexibility to change or reschedule appointments
  • more approachable for people who worry about stigma related to mental health difficulties

I use Zoom for online sessions and Bilateral Base (an online EMDR platform) for EMDR sessions, both of which are very safe and confidential. If you think that online therapy might be a good fit for you, then please get in touch with me here.

We can have a 30 mins free consultation to help you get a sense of what it would be like to have online therapy.




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Dr Izabel Lang


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