Integrative Psychotherapy

Integrative therapy draws its theories and techniques from the psychodynamic, humanistic, and cognitive behavioural approaches. The purpose of integrative therapy is to identify and make sense of what is causing and maintaining your difficulties in life and to create a unique treatment plan to help you deal with those difficulties in a more effective and functional way. It focuses on mental, emotional, and physical aspects of your life and it is based on the belief that each individual is unique and what would work well for one person is not necessarily what would work for another one. Therefore, I will make a treatment protocol that suits your personal needs and issues. This means that I will use different schools of therapeutic thought to combine my knowledge and use different techniques together in a structured way. Interpersonal therapy can be particularly beneficial for those who experience a range of difficulties across different areas of life and would like to talk about these difficulties to make sense of adverse experiences, process negative feelings and learn coping strategies to overcome the problems and focus on future goals. 




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