Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a simple, yet complex and powerful therapy, because it can bring quick and long-lasting relief for most types of emotional issues. EMDR is the most effective and rapid method for healing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as found by extensive scientific research studies. It uses bilateral stimulation, right/left eye movement, or tactile stimulation, which repeatedly activates the opposite sides of the brain, releasing emotional experiences that are "trapped" in the nervous system. This in turn stimulates the neurophysiological system to free itself of blockages and reconnect itself. While troubling images and feelings are processed by the brain via the eye-movement patterns, resolution of the issues and a more peaceful state are achieved. It can help individuals replace their anxiety and fear with positive images, emotions and thoughts. Apart from PTSD, the following problems can be helped by EMDR: high anxiety and lack of motivation, depression, memories of a traumatic experience, fear of being alone, unrealistic feelings of guilt and shame, difficulty in trusting others, childhood and attachment issues, relationship problems. However, studies have also found that the EMDR therapy is most effective when used in conjunction with other traditional methods of therapy (i.e. CBT) in treating these symptoms and many other emotional disorders.




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Dr Izabel Lang


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